Excellent partner
We take great pride that after 10 years in this business we are still who we were at the beginning – honest, trustworthy and a fair partner to all our customers and suppliers.
Although there were many obstacles in our way we did not steer away from our goal. Nor will we in the future.
Payment strategy
During the years we always did our best to satisfy our customers and have seen good growth because of that but we did not forget about our suppliers as well. Since the beginning, we did everything that was in our power to get and maintain the best possible payment index of 100 points. This means that we are paying invoices before the due date, which is something not very commonly seen in the market this days. Because of that we have become a very trustworthy partner to our suppliers. Maintaining the best possible payment index of 100 points is also one of our key objectives for the future.
We will become the biggest and the best in the whole world....that is the way most of this visions go, right? Staying true to ourselves and to our partners no matter the obstacles or temptations and doing our best every single day - that is our vision. To look back and say "we got tje job done".
Trust us
In time you, like others, will learn that we are trustworthy. If we give you a target price, reach it and we will take the goods. If we say we can supply something and confirm your order, we will deliver. More people have won lottery than we have canceled orders.